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Can you train a deaf dog?

+1 vote
There's a really sweet dog at the shelter that I'm considering adopting. He's young, large and he's deaf. If I adopt him, will I be able to train him? I only want to teach him basic training. Is it possible to train a deaf dog?
asked May 29, 2013 in Dog Training by anonymous

1 Answer

+1 vote
Dogs can be born deaf or lose their hearing through illness, injury or old age. But deaf dogs can be trained, you just have to adjust your methods and be kind and patient. There are vibrating collars available or use the beam from a flashlight to get your dog's attention. You can use scent to train a deaf dog and of course as he focuses on you, hand signals. Other senses in dogs that are deaf become sharper and you can use them to train. Always treat and praise when the dog responds well to the training. Never scold or punish. The dog only learns to fear you and will not respond to training.
answered Jun 24, 2013 by (36,420 points)
