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What are the pros and cons of spaying my dog?

+1 vote

My dog is turning 6-months-old and I'm considering having her spayed, What are the pros and cons?

asked Mar 17, 2013 in Dog Health by mamairis (6,910 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Presently, there's a lot of controversy over when it's appropriate to spay/neuter a dog.

Pros - prevents certain cancers, improves behavior, avoids pregnancy and unwanted pets.

Cons - sterilization may cause certain cancers, leaking, behavioral issues.

The jury is still out on both the pros and cons. Some researchers  feel dogs should be sterilized only after their bones have had time to fully develop. For now, I'd prefer to err on the side of spaying.
answered Apr 10, 2013 by (36,420 points)
