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Leash-Biting Dogs
Unless you have tons of money and can afford a variety of leashes that you don’t mind having destroyed, biting them is a habit to put a halt to. Contrary to the belief of some that dogs bite their leashes to show dominance, we believe they’re just having fun and being their playful selves. Another […]
DNA Helping Shelter Dogs
The Peninsula Humane Society and SPCA in California has a unique idea to encourage adoption of shelter dogs. The shelter is investigating DNA testing to discover the breeds present in each individual dog. To this end, 12 dogs who looked like chihuahua mixes were chosen and put to the test. Recently, a group of animal […]
Havana Brown
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: England Coat Type: smooth, shiny Color: brown Temperament: gentle, sociable, affectionate Where do Havana Browns come from? Once known as the “Swiss Mountain Cat” the Havana Brown was developed in the 1950s by breeding black domestic cats having a brown recessive gene with Seal or Chocolate Point Siamese. The cat […]