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CDC-H3N2v and Pig Exposure
The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has said that the number of H3N2v reported cases in the U.S. Since July, 2012 has reached 224 as of today (August 17th). The CDC notes that so far the virus has not spread readily from person to person. Exposure to pigs seems to be the source […]
Anna and Angel Molly
“My Golden Retriever, Molly, lost her battle against osteosarcoma in March ’09. The following October her litter sister Tilly and I moved to a new house. It may sound strange but I was really worried Molly wouldn’t know where we’d gone. It bothered me a lot. One day I had been decorating at the new […]
Feline Leukemia Virus
FeLV, Feline Leukemia Virus, is a deadly disease that affects domestic cats and some wild ones as well. There are 3 main types of FeLV, A, B and C. Infection of one, two or all three can occur in a cat. A is in all FeLV diagnosed cats. It results in a severly weakened immune […]