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Queen Angelfish
The Queen Angelfish is a moderately difficult fish to keep and not recommended for beginners. It is native to the Western Atlantic and the Caribbean. This fish spends most of its time out in the open and is awake during the day and rests at night. Males and females are both 18 in. Other angelfish […]
Tosa Inu Dog
History The Japanese Tosa has been bred for hundreds of years in Japan. They were bred in the old Tosa Province, now known as the Kochi prefecture. This breed was developed between 1868 and 1912 by crossbreeding the Kochi and Shikoku with Western dog breeds such as the German Pointer, Mastiff, Great Dane, Bulldog, St. […]
Slits on a Dog’s Nose
A dog’s nose has incredible powers. Every part of the nose functions to give a dog an amazing sense of smell, even those slits. A dog’s sense of smell is anywhere from 10,000 to 100,000 times better than ours. They can differentiate between 30,000 to 100,000 scents individually. Former director of the Florida State University […]