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Why isn't my cat using her litter box?

0 votes
She's been using it regularly for most of her life. All of a sudden she's decided that she'd rather pee in the bathtub. What's up with that?
asked Aug 20, 2013 in Cat Behavior by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes
Sounds like you have one cat, so sharing the litter box is not a problem. Your cat may need to be checked by the vet to rule out any medical issues. You can try changing the litter box, changing the litter itself, moving the location to a quiet area. Perhaps the litter box needs to be cleaned more often. Have there been any changes in her environment that could be stressing her? Try cleaning the area with the new enzyme cleaners as many times as necessary. Don't punish the cat for accidents or she'll associate punishment with the litter box.
answered Aug 29, 2013 by (36,420 points)
