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How do cats make their fur stand on edge?

+1 vote
When my cat gets scared, like when there is a dog around, she's ablt to get her fur to stand up. She puffs herself way out, especailly her tain. How does she do that?
asked Jun 16, 2013 in Cat Behavior by mamairis (6,910 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
There are bumps at the base of hairs which develop when a cat or other animal is cold or experiences stressful emotions such as excitement, fear, a threat.  The term for hair standing on edge is piloerection and is the same in humans, what we call goosebumps. Raising the fur helps to make the cat appear larger and hopefully frighten away the danger. When a cat is cold, the raised hairs can trap air, providing insulation.
answered Jun 17, 2013 by (36,420 points)
