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How can I get my cat to stay close to home?

0 votes
I've taken in a street cat, and can't tame her to just stay inside. She leaves and goes away for days at a time. Is there anything that I can do to get her to stay close to home? She leaves for days at a time.
asked May 29, 2013 in Cat Training by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes
Cats are very territorial and usually don't wander far from a steady food source. You can try training her to come when called using a favorite food as a motivator. You may want to invest in a cat-proof fence or a screen enclosure attached to the house. The cat-proof fence keeps the cat confined to your area and keeps out any other creatures. The enclosure gives your cat the opportunity to be outdoors, but unabe to wander and she's well-protected.
answered Jun 24, 2013 by (36,420 points)
