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Is it true that fish are forgetful?

+2 votes
Fish are known for forgetting everything...just how bad is a fish's memory
asked Apr 25, 2013 in Fish Care by (1,570 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer


Yup, the first answer was right, it is a myth!
"Fish have a 3-second-memory, and forget everything as soon as it happens." Have you ever heard that before? Well it's false! Ichthyologists or fish scientists, finally prove that fish have a better memory than we think!  In 2003 Dr Phil Gee, of the School of Psychology at the University of Plymouth, published research stating that fish memory spans up to three months or more.
In the 'Plymouth experiments', goldfish were trained to press a lever to gain food as a reward; when the lever was fixed to work only for an hour a day, the fish very quickly learned to activate it at the correct time.
An additional set of studies have proven that farmed fish can easily be taught to feed at particular times and places, in response to an audible signal.
So, Don't make fun of your pet fish, he'll probably remember it! 


answered May 1, 2013 by (1,570 points)
edited May 1, 2013 by
+1 vote
This myth began with owners who kept goldfish in small bowls. It was simply an excuse for their behavior as they felt the fish wouldn't remember anything past a few seconds. But scientific research has proven that fish have a memory span  of at least 3 months and possibly more. Fish also know the difference between colors, shapes and sounds. In experiments, fish have been trained to feed at certain times and places using sounds. So their memory is a lot better than previously thought.
answered Apr 30, 2013 by (36,420 points)
