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Why is my female budgie pooping huge yellow wet poop?

0 votes
My budgie named emma is in the same cage as a male budgie. They may have mated but I didn't see it happen. Emma is pooping huge disgusting yellow poop and she is pooping a lot. I am not sure why, but she might be "pregnant". I saw a glimpse of an eggbum. It is about a cm bigger then normal. I saw her shivering and she seems to be tired. Her nose is pinkish light brown and dry. Is emma pregnant? Plz tell me of you know.
asked Nov 8, 2015 in Bird Health by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes
Not sure about the pregnancy. But poop color sometimes indicates what your bird has eaten. The liquid and soft stool shows there is a problem. Some reasons are toxins in the body, a bacterial or parasitic infection, kidney or liver disease, stomach upset from something eaten and more. Your bird should be seen by an avian vet to determine cause and treatment.
answered Nov 9, 2015 by (36,420 points)
