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how many pets did winston churchill have

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How many pets did Winston Churchill have?

asked Sep 11, 2015 in History and Culture by anonymous

1 Answer

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Winston Churchill was an animal lover and had many pets throughout  his life. Besides sheep, goats and pigs, there were numerous others - Dodo the Bulldog, Nelson the Cat, Poodles Rufus I and Rufus II, Parakeet Toby, Tango, Jock, Mickey the cats, racing pony Lily, dogs named Peas and Pink Poo and possibly a macaw named Charlie although this hasn't been proven. Churchill also received gifts including black swans, kangaroos, a platypus, a waterfowl, a lion.  It's impossible to actually count how many pets he had throughout his life, but you can be assured that any pet of his lived a wonderful life.
answered Sep 17, 2015 by (36,420 points)
