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How do you know if your Mandarinfish (mandarin dragonet) is healthy and happy?

+1 vote

Are there any signs that tell you if your pet Mandarinfish is healthy or sick?

asked Apr 21, 2013 in Fish Care by (1,570 points)
recategorized Apr 22, 2013 by mamairis

1 Answer

0 votes
Keep the beautiful mandarin in a large tank  - at least 75 gallons. Feed your mandarin its natural food if possible - copepods. Get the fish used to eating brine or frozen shrimp and add frozen artemia. The fish will learn to accept eating frozen shrimp eventually. Add pellets and krill to the diet for good nutrition. If your fish isn't eating or is acting sluggish, that's an indication that something is wrong. Speak to your fish supplier about what can be done.
answered Jul 3, 2013 by (36,420 points)
