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An Infographic on Tech for Pets

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Hi there, My name is Tom Clarke and I am the Marketing Manager at a not for profit organisation called Greyhounds As Pets. We adopt and foster retired greyhounds into loving homes. Needless to say, I am an animal lover, and I enjoy researching and creating content that like-minded animal lovers may find interesting. We have recently created an info-graphic( http://thumbnails-visually.netdna-ssl.com/tech-for-pets_554b5d5f1b349.jpg )which I think pet lovers may enjoy, as well as anyone who has an interest in technology. I can see from your website that you publish similar content, so I thought you might like to use it. If you do, fantastic but I would ask that you kindly credit my website using this url http://www.gapnsw.com.au/ If you need an intro to go with the graphic, let me know and I’d be happy to write one up. Of course any feedback is welcome. Best Regards, Tom Clarke Marketing Manager Greyhounds as pets
asked May 27, 2015 in Adoption by anonymous

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