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Should I be worried that my cat is sleeping a lot?

+1 vote
My cat is 6 years old. Yesterday she slept all day on my bed and didn't come down for meals. Today she seems to be better. She ate breakfast and went outside. Should I be worried or could this be something that is passing? Do I need to take her to a vet? My vet is far away and she hates going. I don't want to put her under that kind of stress if it isn't necessary.
asked Jan 6, 2014 in Cat Health by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes
If your cat is already feeling better, it's probably just a passing upset. It's perfectly normal for cats to sleep 18 hours a day. Some cats may sleep less. It depends on the age and personality of the cat. Newborns and young kittens sleep most of the day. As they get older their waking hours are longer but still very short by our human standards. If your cat exhibits an unusual behavior other than sleeping long hours, take her to the vet for a checkup.
answered Jan 7, 2014 by (36,420 points)
